Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Хогвартс невозможно представить в виде одной только учёбы. Квиддич, обмены открытками и подарками, поздравления, школьные балы, праздники и т.д.
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Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Hogwarts » 27 июн 2019 05:46

Одной темной-темной ночью, блудный профессор Школы Чародейства и Волшебства Хогвартс, Теодор Алистер Нотт, наконец-то вернулся. Но мало кто знал, что появление профессора для учеников Школы не сулило ничего хорошего. Как знают некоторые обучающиеся, у мистера Нотта есть одна плохая привычка: коллекционировать (читай: одалживать) весьма опасные темные артефакты, таскать их по всему свету в кармане мантии, а затем заявляться в Хогвартс. В Хогвартсе артефакты, почуяв свободу и магию одновременно, обычно начинают бунтовать, вызывая у всех вокруг галлюцинации. Собственно говоря, так произошло и в этот раз.

Профессор Нотт вернулся с очередным опасным артефактом, который имел одно примечательное свойство: стирать память. Влияя на человека, артефакт заставлял его забывать какое-то важное событие из своей жизни, из-за чего характер и поведение мага существенно менялось, а окружающие не понимали, какая муха укусила его сегодня, ведь они-то помнили все совершенно также, как и раньше. С кем вы столкнетесь, с кем подружитесь или поругаетесь, а кого так и оставите в недоумении - решать вам. Главное, помните, возможно, вы уже никогда не вспомните того, что забыли... только если профессор Нотт не найдет способа все исправить, конечно же.

Помните, что ваши отыгрыши должны быть исключительно на английском языке.
Просьба дождаться первого поста от Теодора Нотта, а затем уже можете отыгрывать.
Отыгрыш первыми начинают записавшиеся. Все остальные могут присоединиться, предварительно уведомив мастера игры.
инструкции игрокам
Добро пожаловать на новый квест!
Здесь мы будем оставлять отыгрыши на английском языке.
Пожалуйста, перед написанием постов, прочитайте следующие правила и инструкции:

1. Поскольку данная тема представляет собой единую локацию Хогвартса, в каждом посте обязательно указывать локацию:
---Гостиная Слизерина---
---Коридоры Хогвартса. 5-й этаж---

2. Каждый персонаж попадает в одну и ту же ситуацию: он забывает какое-то важное воспоминание из своей жизни (при этом вы можете пофантазировать, как бы изменился его характер и поведение) и ведет себя так, как будто этого не происходило. Другие же персонажи, в свою очередь, прекрасно помнят о настоящем характере волшебника и о том событии, которое он забыл.
Пример: Кристина никогда не была на квиддичном матче, после которого увлеклась квиддичем. Теперь она не любит квиддич и даже разучилась летать на метле. Стивен предлагает ей полетать и покидать квоффл, потому что помнит, что Кристине нравится квиддич, но Кристина недоумевает: ведь она помнит, что не любит квиддич.

3. Время в данной локации течет параллельно времени в ВХ, но при этом это не альтернативная реальность.
Hogy Warty Hogwarts...

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Теодор Нотт
Самый хитрый слизеринец
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Откуда: London

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Теодор Нотт » 27 июн 2019 08:49

—-Vaults of Paris/Hogwarts grounds—-
Mr Nott, as always, apparated behind the gates of the school without a sound. Weather was just amazing and his mood was quite ecstatic. He just received, or how he liked to imply, borrowed, a very strange artefact from the vaults of Paris. He remembers, when one of his students, had to go for a walk down the dungeons of Paris for his NEWT assignment, and decided he needs one of those walks as well. Parisians, in all of their might and glory, were very bad guards. Theo had to do just little manipulations with his wand and the vaults have opened for him. What was strange no one attacked him or, as a matter of fact, noticed him. Of course he used all of the available charms to conceal his whereabouts, but it was still strange. He had a little stroll along the benches with glass orbs, and had a feeling he is back in London in Department of Mysteries, strolling around all the prophesies. Maybe this place was similar, but you could feel and eerie chill coming from all the spheres. Also they were all different colour, and they weren’t bright. Mr Nott wasn’t as stupid as he looks, but natural curiosity still lingered around the back of his mind. He was walking very slowly, making no sound at all, until he reached a small chest with a family crest on it. He made just a couple of taps with his wand and the chest creaked open. Nothing very interesting was in there: some rocks, all different colour, couple of broken wands, you could still see two halved connected with a unicorn hair, and rubbish, rubbish, rubbish. He flicked through the contents of the box, and when he was about to close it, something caught his eye. It was a similar sphere, which he noticed on the benches, but this was red in colour, and some kind if mist or smoke was trapped inside. It was swirling, and mr Nott, being the inquisitive young man he is, couldn’t help himself and touched the sphere. The minute his fingers grazed the surface, the mist turned green, but nothing else happened. Disappointed, he took the sphere out of the box and put it in to pocket of his robes. Even though, it didn’t do anything, he thought, it will be a nice to have a reminder of visiting this place. He apparated with a little crack and was outside the gates of Hogwarts, where our story begins.
He was walking down the lawn, one summer evening, with a determination in his step. He needed to find out if miss Maffies completed her mission, of disposing of the headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. He’s sources have told him that she was faint of heart and, in the end could do it. Preposterous, it is just a simple spell, and she would have snuffed it up. Somehow he was becoming more angry with every step he took, he didn’t even notice, that green smoke was seeping from inside the glass sphere, thus infecting him and surrounding grounds of Hogwarts. Seeping into every inch of the castle, affecting inhabitants in it.

—-Halls of Hogwarts, 6th floor—-
He was walking very slowly, but with every step he took, it looked like little good he had left in him, being sucked out by the green smoke, which he still hasn’t noticed, and was spreading rapidly. You wouldn’t think that such a small sphere could contain that much smoke inside. He reached the door he was looking for. He wasn’t really, but took his time coming here. He didn’t knock, just walked into the class room.

—-Temporal Magic Classroom—-
He’s confidant was sitting at the table, and the mist, has already took a hold of her, as it was a warm summer evening, all her windows have been open for some fresh air.
- Good evening ms Maffies, such a splendid one it is, isn’t it? - he was wearing one of his smiles, but words were seeping with cold, and if looks could kill, he was halfway of giving one to his colleague. He took couple of steps into the class room and closed the door behind. Thus our adventure begins.

.:Governor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry:.
.:Honorary Professor of Magical Artifacts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry:.

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Крис М.
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Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Крис М. » 27 июн 2019 10:29

---Temporal Magic Classroom---

*It was a very nice and warm summer evening. Ms Maffies was sitting in her classroom, cheking the students' OWL exams. At that particular moment she was going through the exam written by Mr. Taylor. Reading line by line, the witch bit her lip and brushed her hand against the cheek. Being caught up in work, she didn't even notice when Theodorre entered the room, nor did she notice the green smoke that wafted into the room with the wizard. Christina took a deep breath and closed her eyes just for a moment. It felt like her head became dizzy, but the feeling was so subtle that she didn't even pay attention to it.
When the master of potions opened her eyes, everything had changed. If somebody could track her thoughts at that moment, he wouldn't believe that a person might change so drastically in such a short period of time. But not only the thoughts changed, the way Christina looked did, too. Her look became stern and scornful. The muscles of the lady's body became tense and the whole posture radiated hostility. In her head, this was her most natural look, but almost anybody could notice this sudden change in her. Anyway, at that moment Ms. Maffies was a hundred percent sure that it was a normal summer evening at Hogwarts.
Christina cleared her throat and coldly but still politely welcomed Mr. Nott into her classrom:*
- Good evening, Mr Nott. Come on in.
*She gazed at him with a slight interest, when he closed the door. It meant that he would at least stay in the classroom for a while. So, it meant that he was there to talk. About the payment? Most likely. At least it was what Ms. Maffies thought to herself. Chris gently rolled up the scrolls with the exams and in one stroke of her magic wand sent them levitating to the nearest cabinet. The wooden doors of the cabinet opened, letting the scrolls lay on the shelves, and then closed with a slight thud. Ms Maffies followed the scrolls with a look and then turned back to the professor of Magic Artefacts.*
- So, Mr. Nott, how was your journey? Seemed like you weren't here forever. So many things had changed.
*She snickered and pointed with her eyes to the dark green drapes hanging over the windows. Ms. Maffies gestured at one of the seats in front of her table, silently inviting Theodorre to take a seat:*
- I hope, you have a spare minute, Theodorre? I think, there are some things we should discuss.

Аватара пользователя
Marylyn Susan Idol
Сообщения: 913
Зарегистрирован: 29 янв 2019 18:04
Псевдоним: Нежить
Пол: женский
Откуда: Москва на связи В-)

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Marylyn Susan Idol » 27 июн 2019 13:08

--The Hufflepuff Common room--
*Mary got up in a very bad mood. She had a sleepless night, and she felt something went wrong. She washed her face and got dressed, and then she came down from the dorm. Hufflepuff-girl stroked her Rury and looked around, trying to find what to do. Noone was in thr common room, and she had to get out for a walk. Maybe there she could find something...*
--The staircases--
*The girl went down and thought about school. Of course, she had no friends - everybody ignored her, because she was too active. More time for school, for doing the homework, for learning about magical creatures... And for exploring the castle. Marylyn looked very upset. She went down and enterd the Great Hall.*
--The great hall--
*Mary, without looking at anyone, walkd to her table and sat at the end of the table and started her breakfast.*
Квест: нет тела - нет дела. В теле Лауры Грейнджер.
Хаффлпафф, 2 курс.
Корреспондент "Хогвартского Вестника".
Палочка: Рябина, перо орла, 9 дюймов.
Патронус: какаду

Аватара пользователя
Кристофер Клиффорд
Сообщения: 7571
Зарегистрирован: 23 янв 2019 00:26
Псевдоним: Лев в галстуке
Пол: мужской
Откуда: Канада

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Кристофер Клиффорд » 28 июн 2019 20:50

-- Bedroom boys. Hufflepuff ---
* Christopher woke up, he slept a little, as always, in order to be in time. In principle, he didn’t get so much u got he got out of bed and saw that he didn’t expect to see. He noticed a large tourist backpack by his bed. A sleeping bag is fixed on the backpack below, a sapper shovel is a very small hatchet. What's inside Christopher decided not to watch. How many times does he remember himself, he never went on campaigns and doesn’t understand all this equipment. Marilyn can know something? Maybe someone made a joke*
--- Living room Hufflepuff ---
Christopher went down to the living room in it. There was no one for Marilyn at breakfast. Christopher began to descend into the large hall *
--- Big hall ---
* Christopher walked down to the big hall, he looked around and saw Marilyn who ate his breakfast in dismay, he approached her *
- Enjoy your meal
* He said and sat down next. He did not want to distract Marilyn from breakfast, he would wait for Marilyn to eat and then tell the news *
Палочка: Тис и перо феникса гибкая
Хаффлпафф 5 курс
Ассистент по Уходу за Магическими Существами

"Момент наивысшего наслаждения - это момент прекращения страданий"

Аватара пользователя
Marylyn Susan Idol
Сообщения: 913
Зарегистрирован: 29 янв 2019 18:04
Псевдоним: Нежить
Пол: женский
Откуда: Москва на связи В-)

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Marylyn Susan Idol » 28 июн 2019 21:57

--Great hall--
Marylyn looked at the tall boy sitting near her. Why he desided to speak with her? Who is he?
- Umm... Thanks?
She saw this boy on the lessons, but they never talked before. She knew only he loved fishing - sht saw him one day fishind - and that his surname is Clyford. And it was kind of mystery, why he decided to talk with such a weird girl as Mary.
Квест: нет тела - нет дела. В теле Лауры Грейнджер.
Хаффлпафф, 2 курс.
Корреспондент "Хогвартского Вестника".
Палочка: Рябина, перо орла, 9 дюймов.
Патронус: какаду

Аватара пользователя
Кристофер Клиффорд
Сообщения: 7571
Зарегистрирован: 23 янв 2019 00:26
Псевдоним: Лев в галстуке
Пол: мужской
Откуда: Канада

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Кристофер Клиффорд » 28 июн 2019 22:20

--- Big hall ---
* Christopher did not understand why Marilyn had such a reaction. Can she be sleepy? She usually behaves very differently, almost always smiles and is very optimistic. Maybe something is wrong? Christopher thought that if she were sleepy, the answer would still be different. And if something had happened, she would have answered anyway differently, and not as if she had not expected that I would come up *
- Do you feel good?
* Christopher barely squeezed out these words because he still remains shy *
Палочка: Тис и перо феникса гибкая
Хаффлпафф 5 курс
Ассистент по Уходу за Магическими Существами

"Момент наивысшего наслаждения - это момент прекращения страданий"

Аватара пользователя
Marylyn Susan Idol
Сообщения: 913
Зарегистрирован: 29 янв 2019 18:04
Псевдоним: Нежить
Пол: женский
Откуда: Москва на связи В-)

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Marylyn Susan Idol » 28 июн 2019 22:34

--Great hall--
Mary looked into Christopher's eyes and asked shyly:
- Sorry, but I can't understand, what do you want from me.
She got red and continued eating, but she couldn't eat - she was so screwed up.
Квест: нет тела - нет дела. В теле Лауры Грейнджер.
Хаффлпафф, 2 курс.
Корреспондент "Хогвартского Вестника".
Палочка: Рябина, перо орла, 9 дюймов.
Патронус: какаду

Аватара пользователя
Кристофер Клиффорд
Сообщения: 7571
Зарегистрирован: 23 янв 2019 00:26
Псевдоним: Лев в галстуке
Пол: мужской
Откуда: Канада

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Кристофер Клиффорд » 28 июн 2019 22:43

-- Big hall ---
* Christopher was very surprised after the words of Marilyn that she did not recognize him? But how? Christopher can’t understand at all why Marilyn answered so he didn’t seem to have changed much *
-You didn't recognize me? This is me Christopher Clifford your friend on Hufflepuff 2 course
* He said and still looked at Marilyn with surprise *
Палочка: Тис и перо феникса гибкая
Хаффлпафф 5 курс
Ассистент по Уходу за Магическими Существами

"Момент наивысшего наслаждения - это момент прекращения страданий"

Аватара пользователя
Marylyn Susan Idol
Сообщения: 913
Зарегистрирован: 29 янв 2019 18:04
Псевдоним: Нежить
Пол: женский
Откуда: Москва на связи В-)

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Marylyn Susan Idol » 28 июн 2019 22:50

--Great Hall--
- A friend? - asked Mary ironically. - This is a stupid p-prank, m-mister Cliff-ford!
Marylyn clenched her fists, looking at Chris sullenly.
Квест: нет тела - нет дела. В теле Лауры Грейнджер.
Хаффлпафф, 2 курс.
Корреспондент "Хогвартского Вестника".
Палочка: Рябина, перо орла, 9 дюймов.
Патронус: какаду

Аватара пользователя
Кристофер Клиффорд
Сообщения: 7571
Зарегистрирован: 23 янв 2019 00:26
Псевдоним: Лев в галстуке
Пол: мужской
Откуда: Канада

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Кристофер Клиффорд » 28 июн 2019 22:59

--- Great Hall ---
* Christopher did not expect such a reaction right at all. Apparently Marilyn was aggressively set up, so you need to speak politely and clearly and find out what's wrong with her *
- Marilyn * he said raising his hands * you don't remember me at all? You Marilyn Idol rode in Scotland. Usually you are very optimistic and often smile you play the piano very well and in childhood your best friend left without even saying goodbye because of what you grew up very much. Do you have a cat Ruri
* He said looking at Marilyn if she would blow it up with some spell *
Палочка: Тис и перо феникса гибкая
Хаффлпафф 5 курс
Ассистент по Уходу за Магическими Существами

"Момент наивысшего наслаждения - это момент прекращения страданий"

Аватара пользователя
Marylyn Susan Idol
Сообщения: 913
Зарегистрирован: 29 янв 2019 18:04
Псевдоним: Нежить
Пол: женский
Откуда: Москва на связи В-)

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Marylyn Susan Idol » 28 июн 2019 23:16

--Great Hall--
Mary sat with narrowed eyes and listened to Christopher, surprised about his knowlege about her. How did he know she had a friend that left without saying a goodbye? And why does he think she is optimistic?
- I don't wanna know, how do you know that. I know you, but you always ignored me! Why now you are talking to me? What do you want! - screamed Mary, almost crying.
Квест: нет тела - нет дела. В теле Лауры Грейнджер.
Хаффлпафф, 2 курс.
Корреспондент "Хогвартского Вестника".
Палочка: Рябина, перо орла, 9 дюймов.
Патронус: какаду

Аватара пользователя
Кристофер Клиффорд
Сообщения: 7571
Зарегистрирован: 23 янв 2019 00:26
Псевдоним: Лев в галстуке
Пол: мужской
Откуда: Канада

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Кристофер Клиффорд » 28 июн 2019 23:26

--- Great Hall ---
* Christopher, although I think it is no longer necessary to say that he was very surprised. He looked at Marilyn without understanding why she behaves so. He decided to turn on all his gift. He calms down. He is a professional.
- Marilyn, I never ignored you, we met in an oblique lane. Here something is wrong with me today, too, something strange happened. I wanted to tell you about it, but I saw what you were eating and decided to wait, and you behave like this. As if you don't know me. Even at the spell lesson, our elder and his friend began to behave inappropriately in the lesson you got into a mess. You became ill, Alex and I helped you. One more time you passed out in the tavern, I ponce you in my arms until the hospital wing. You also nearly suffocated from this shade of Kwinkee as he did there. I had to save you. Do not you remember? I could not ignore you
* Phew, I did not give anything, but I'm not so bad. Christopher thought. Yes, I can become a psychologist *
Палочка: Тис и перо феникса гибкая
Хаффлпафф 5 курс
Ассистент по Уходу за Магическими Существами

"Момент наивысшего наслаждения - это момент прекращения страданий"

Аватара пользователя
Marylyn Susan Idol
Сообщения: 913
Зарегистрирован: 29 янв 2019 18:04
Псевдоним: Нежить
Пол: женский
Откуда: Москва на связи В-)

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Marylyn Susan Idol » 28 июн 2019 23:38

--Great Hall--
Marylyn bit her lip, listening to the-strange-boy-Clifford. What the hell is he talking about? Alex was with him and their company, wich cosists of Laura, Alrion, Chris and Alex, and they never helped Mary. Of course... He is going to use her for something. Tears welled in her eyes, and she siently mutterd:
- Of course yo could. Who am I, and who are you? And stop lying, you and Alex never helped. You never had to. At that lesson I had to go to hospital wing all alone, and only because I could get a cold. Stop it.
Квест: нет тела - нет дела. В теле Лауры Грейнджер.
Хаффлпафф, 2 курс.
Корреспондент "Хогвартского Вестника".
Палочка: Рябина, перо орла, 9 дюймов.
Патронус: какаду

Аватара пользователя
Кристофер Клиффорд
Сообщения: 7571
Зарегистрирован: 23 янв 2019 00:26
Псевдоним: Лев в галстуке
Пол: мужской
Откуда: Канада

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Кристофер Клиффорд » 28 июн 2019 23:52

--- Great Hall ---
* Christopher still does not know how to calm him too early in psychologists. But then it dawned on Christopher that she had forgotten that she had friends and I don’t know where my backpack came from *
- Marilyn, please don't cry and listen to me. I would never use you. You are the most beautiful * here is a pussy, but Christopher immediately changed his mind and said * and the best girl I just knew and you are my friend and I seem to understand why you don’t remember me. Look, I woke up today and saw a large tourist backpack with hiking equipment, even a hatchet. But I never went hiking or fishing there, why would I need such a backpack and equipment for sure why not fishing rods. And I decided to say this to you. Someone might have made a joke on me, or even you have always been fun and love to joke. And here I go down and you do not remember me. So we forgot something, but I still do not know why. Although it is still speculation
* Christopher said he really hoped that she would believe him and would not cry*
Палочка: Тис и перо феникса гибкая
Хаффлпафф 5 курс
Ассистент по Уходу за Магическими Существами

"Момент наивысшего наслаждения - это момент прекращения страданий"

Аватара пользователя
Marylyn Susan Idol
Сообщения: 913
Зарегистрирован: 29 янв 2019 18:04
Псевдоним: Нежить
Пол: женский
Откуда: Москва на связи В-)

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Marylyn Susan Idol » 29 июн 2019 00:05

--Great Hall--
Marylyn with disbelief listened to Chris. Beautiful? Ha-ha, so funny. If a man has too choose between Laura and Mary, he will definetly choose Laura with her long beautiful hair and deep blue eyes. Ugh, even Alex is more beautiful! She has such long and white hair... And Mary has brown eyes and brown hair. Why she is "beautiful"?
- Are you serious? You fent fishing a few days ago! Ugh, stop it. It's not funny.
Квест: нет тела - нет дела. В теле Лауры Грейнджер.
Хаффлпафф, 2 курс.
Корреспондент "Хогвартского Вестника".
Палочка: Рябина, перо орла, 9 дюймов.
Патронус: какаду

Аватара пользователя
Кристофер Клиффорд
Сообщения: 7571
Зарегистрирован: 23 янв 2019 00:26
Псевдоним: Лев в галстуке
Пол: мужской
Откуда: Канада

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Кристофер Клиффорд » 29 июн 2019 00:55

--- Great Hall ---

* Oh gods why she doesn't believe me why Marilyn and I forgot everything. Why did all this happen? *
- Marilyn, yes, I seriously, I don’t remember that I ever caught fish in my life. I remember I wanted to try, but my grandfather refused me and I never went fishing or hiking. I don't understand why I don't remember it. And you do not remember me. Why?! We used to be friends helping each other when I fell down the stairs you helped me walk to the hospital wing. When everyone exchanged bodies and you threw Laura’s wand into the lake because of an unsuccessful spell. You began to cry and I climbed into the water to make it easier for you
* Christopher seriously said he did not understand what was happening, he felt despair, he was nervous his heart beat more and more *
- If you still do not believe me then let's get acquainted again what to say
* He answered nervously *
Палочка: Тис и перо феникса гибкая
Хаффлпафф 5 курс
Ассистент по Уходу за Магическими Существами

"Момент наивысшего наслаждения - это момент прекращения страданий"

Аватара пользователя
Marylyn Susan Idol
Сообщения: 913
Зарегистрирован: 29 янв 2019 18:04
Псевдоним: Нежить
Пол: женский
Откуда: Москва на связи В-)

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Marylyn Susan Idol » 29 июн 2019 01:12

--Great Hall--
- Okay, - said Marylyn. - Let's imagine we were friends. And you never went fishing... And everything you told is true. But tell me... About how we met.
Mary remembered that they met in the common room, and Christopher was not very friendly then.
Квест: нет тела - нет дела. В теле Лауры Грейнджер.
Хаффлпафф, 2 курс.
Корреспондент "Хогвартского Вестника".
Палочка: Рябина, перо орла, 9 дюймов.
Патронус: какаду

Аватара пользователя
Кристофер Клиффорд
Сообщения: 7571
Зарегистрирован: 23 янв 2019 00:26
Псевдоним: Лев в галстуке
Пол: мужской
Откуда: Канада

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Кристофер Клиффорд » 29 июн 2019 10:39

--- Great Hall ---
* Christopher was still glad that he seemed to be believed and he began his story *
- As I said it was in an oblique lane. I had no friends before arriving at Hogwarts. I never came up first, I was embarrassed all the time. You were with your father and you came first. It was in the “Mantle for All Occasions” shop. You came up and said, “Hello, did you come for the robes?” I answered "yes", and then I went on a small dialogue. I’ll remind you that the score is fun and you smile almost all the time. Then I gave out two absolutely not funny jokes which I will be ashamed of until the end of my life. Then when we finished at the mantel store you asked "where are you going now?" I was going to the store magic equipment for clever. Well, you wanted with me, I was not against it, and even glad though your father sighed heavily or he does not like to buy or he did not like me. Well we went there ran out of scales. They could then lead immediately to Hogwarts, although one piece of scales was. I, as a gentleman, took an order for myself. Well, then you went to Hogwarts and I took myself a cat. Then at Hogwarts was a lot of adventure.
* Christopher said *
Палочка: Тис и перо феникса гибкая
Хаффлпафф 5 курс
Ассистент по Уходу за Магическими Существами

"Момент наивысшего наслаждения - это момент прекращения страданий"

Аватара пользователя
Marylyn Susan Idol
Сообщения: 913
Зарегистрирован: 29 янв 2019 18:04
Псевдоним: Нежить
Пол: женский
Откуда: Москва на связи В-)

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Marylyn Susan Idol » 29 июн 2019 12:53

--Great hall--
- You're kidding me. We met in the common room! And me and my father met noone on our way in the Diagon alley, - Marylyn started laughing.
- Just tell what do you want and leave me alone, please. I don't wanna talk with liars.
Mary turned away from Christopher.
Квест: нет тела - нет дела. В теле Лауры Грейнджер.
Хаффлпафф, 2 курс.
Корреспондент "Хогвартского Вестника".
Палочка: Рябина, перо орла, 9 дюймов.
Патронус: какаду

Аватара пользователя
Кристофер Клиффорд
Сообщения: 7571
Зарегистрирован: 23 янв 2019 00:26
Псевдоним: Лев в галстуке
Пол: мужской
Откуда: Канада

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Кристофер Клиффорд » 29 июн 2019 13:01

--- Great Hall---
- Ahhh !! * Christopher moaned nervously * I want you to remember that you have friends! Believe me! Then when you remembered who I told you one of my secrets because you were trusted by one of two people who know what I carry with me. And no, it's not a wand, but you don't remember me! Why?!
* With an aggressive tone, Christopher said he was already angry. And knowing what he said, understanding that Marilyn is very emotional, he decided to be more calm *
- Want to tell me something about yourself that I remember at least
* He said calmly *
Палочка: Тис и перо феникса гибкая
Хаффлпафф 5 курс
Ассистент по Уходу за Магическими Существами

"Момент наивысшего наслаждения - это момент прекращения страданий"

Аватара пользователя
Алекс Малфой
Сообщения: 1474
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2016 16:38
Пол: скорее женский, чем мужской

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Алекс Малфой » 29 июн 2019 19:56

--- Ravenclaw Common Room ---

Alex woke up in strange and not so good mood. Anyone who saw her now would have thought that she had a really bad headache. Why so? God knows... You can't ask the girl herself, right? After all, she probably does not know anything about it.
Miss Malfoy opened her eyes and grimaced. The color of the walls of the room, conspicuous, looked unusual and unpleasant. Why are they blue?.. After all, she is on Slytherin, right? In her bedroom, the walls were always green!
Reluctantly rising from the bed, the girl discovered another oddity. On the bedside table lay a book... It would seem that there is so unusual? But it was this book that she could not bear all her intelligent life. "Alice in Wonderland"? What a disgusting bad taste!
Wincing, Alex turned away and began to dress, noticing the color of her tie in passing - not green, blue again! Ohhh, let her only find this joker - and he will pay her, he will pay so much, that he will remember it for the rest of his life...
Finally putting on her clothes (do these things belong to muggles?! Damn it, really, muggle clothes?! That idiot, how dare he...), miss Malfoy took her wand, and, looking gloomily at it (even wand was not actually her!), opened the door, expecting an attack every second - and getting ready to kill the one who started all this.

---Halls of Hogwarts, 5th floor---

Getting out the tower Ravenclaw was not so difficult. Fortunately, no questions-answers from outgoing were required.
The girl walked slowly, trying to understand what was happening around her. It already seemed strange... It is unlikely that in a dream she was transported from the dungeon to the tower, and she did not even notice anything. It is unlikely that in a dream her hair suddenly grew back - she had her hair cropped before the first course, they remained like that until yesterday - and now they reach the waist. Hardly for fun someone put that miserable book, nobody knows about her dislike of artifices... Strange. Very, very strange. What's going on?

---Great Hall---

Being in thought, Alex did not notice how her legs carried her along the usual route to the Great Hall. Continuing to think about how all this is strange and unusual, Miss Malfoy noticed two seemingly-familiar children at the Hufflepuff table.
- Mr Clifford? Miss Idol? - she said uncertainly, trying to remember where she knew them from, why she thought they should remember her too. Probably met in class... Yes, for sure. After all, she, Slytherin-girl, would not communicate with them outside class, right? Badgers... Not those with whom the snake likes to communicate. Oh, please, why I'm thinking so... deep in stereothypes?.. Am I okay? Please, could this all be just a bad dream, it's so not normal...
Ученица Рейвенкло, V курс. Староста.

Их врагами были не мужчины, не женщины, не старики и старухи и даже не мертвецы. А просто идиоты во всех разновидностях. Никто не вправе быть идиотом. (с) Пратчетт, "Пехотная баллада" (Monstrous Regiment)

Аватара пользователя
Кристофер Клиффорд
Сообщения: 7571
Зарегистрирован: 23 янв 2019 00:26
Псевдоним: Лев в галстуке
Пол: мужской
Откуда: Канада

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Кристофер Клиффорд » 29 июн 2019 21:36

--- Great Hall ---
* Christopher was expecting an answer, but then Alex approached them and somehow, pretty well, confidently, politely, didn’t I know, did she say she seemed very shy all the time? Christopher Thought *
- Mmm ... Yes, Alex
* Christopher said though if she ceased to be so closed then it is even cool *
Палочка: Тис и перо феникса гибкая
Хаффлпафф 5 курс
Ассистент по Уходу за Магическими Существами

"Момент наивысшего наслаждения - это момент прекращения страданий"

Аватара пользователя
Marylyn Susan Idol
Сообщения: 913
Зарегистрирован: 29 янв 2019 18:04
Псевдоним: Нежить
Пол: женский
Откуда: Москва на связи В-)

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Marylyn Susan Idol » 29 июн 2019 21:58

--Great hall--
- Okay. Then why I forgot that we were friends, if we were? It's impossible! - Mary sighed, closing her eyes. If he was her friend... When she had friends, she spent with them all of the time. ANd Chris didn't look different. So, all the memories are gone? What nonsense! Opening her eyes, she saw Alex. Another one... Hoping she won't tell that she is Mary's friend. "Miss Idol?" asked Alex uncertanly, and Mary hurried to answer:
- Yes, hello. What's the matter?
Квест: нет тела - нет дела. В теле Лауры Грейнджер.
Хаффлпафф, 2 курс.
Корреспондент "Хогвартского Вестника".
Палочка: Рябина, перо орла, 9 дюймов.
Патронус: какаду

Аватара пользователя
Алекс Малфой
Сообщения: 1474
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2016 16:38
Пол: скорее женский, чем мужской

Re: Please, Help Me Remember [Квест] | English

Сообщение Алекс Малфой » 29 июн 2019 22:18

---Great Hall---

- No... No, nothing. Please, excuse me, I didn't want to bother you. - Alex shook her head and walked away from the Hufflepuff table. Everything was confused in her head. What's happening? Why do these two seem so... familiar?
Purely mechanically, the girl went to the Slytherin table, which in her memories was her rightful place. But legs... Legs remembered completely different. The brain demanded to go to the Slytherins, but the muscles - to the Ravenclaws.
Miss Malfoy stopped and looked around plaintively, trying to find a clue as to what was right. The head ached more and more, without adding clarity and simplicity to the selection process. Probably, from the side of girl looked absolutely bewildered and ready to scream or cry - in fact, the way it really was.
Ученица Рейвенкло, V курс. Староста.

Их врагами были не мужчины, не женщины, не старики и старухи и даже не мертвецы. А просто идиоты во всех разновидностях. Никто не вправе быть идиотом. (с) Пратчетт, "Пехотная баллада" (Monstrous Regiment)


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